Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/aasr-volume-8-issue-4-year-2016.xml Archives of Applied Science Research Volume 8, Issue 4 Microwave assisted epoxidation of soybean oil An efficient method N. B. Samarth, P. A. Mahanwar Assessment artificial lighting intensity Alaa A. Saleh Microseismicity applications in hydraulic fracturing monitoring Ali Isa, Mustapha A. Mohammed Determination of growth physiobiochemical activity and alkaloid yield in Catharanthusroseus as influenced by gamma irradiated carrageenan Zeba H. Khana, A. Akeela, F. Mohammada, M. Masroor A. Khana, Lalit Varshney Some Studies on Wearable Printed Antennas Sridhar Pattanaik Assessment of PhysicoChemical quality of Ground Water samples in and around Trichy Town Tamilnadu India M. Mohamed Sihabudeen, A. Abbas Ali, A. Zahir Hussain Studies on novel heteroaryl azo dyes Ankitkumar D. Panchal and Jayantibhai A. Chaudhari The Investigation of Skeletal and Muscular Disorders among Surgery Room Personnel in Zahedan Educational Hospitals in 2015 FereydoonLaal, Sadegh Zare, Mohammad Hossein Chalak, Hossein Jafari Life quality review of operating rooms personnel working in educational hospitals of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in 2016 FereydoonLaal, Sadegh Zare, Mohammad Hossein Chalak, Adineh HA, Zeinab Almasi Emotional intelligence EI among students of School of Nursing and Midwifery Zahedan in 2016 Azizollah Arbabisarjou, Sadegh Zare, Gholamreza Ghoreishinia, Mahnaz Shahrakipour The Relationship between Efficiency and Effectiveness among Staff of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Mansour Ganjali, Mahnaz Shahrakipour, Hassan Shahrakipour