Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/aasr-volume-9-issue-2-year-2017.xml Archives of Applied Science Research Volume 9, Issue 2 An algorithm for noun and verb ranking in linguistic data ALNOVE Ioannis Phinikettos, Maria Kambanaros Adaptive Neurofuzzy System for Determining the Severity Level ofOsteomyelitis and Control Jerome M Gumpy, Ibrahim Goni, Umar Timothy Maigari Chemical Composition in Different Species of Ochrophyta along the Coast ofanakkale Turkey Latife Ceyda �°RK�°N, H�¼seyin ERDU��AN Investigation of seasonal variations in biochemical composition of some red algae Red algae distributed in the strait of anakkale Dardanelles Turkey Latife Ceyda �°RK�°N, H�¼seyin ERDU��AN