Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/apr-volume-6-issue-2-year-2015.xml Archives of Physics Research Volume 6, Issue 2 Gamma ray spectroscopy of soil samples from apple orchards in Lamingo Dam and Vom area in Jos Plateau State Nigeria Mangset W E, Akanbi E S, Wilson M S Molecular interaction studies of aqueous Dextran solution through ultrasonic measurement at 313K with different concentration and frequency S Panda, A P Mahapatra Spectroscopic investigations on L Prolinium picrtate C Maria AKumar, S Arulmozhi, J Madhavan, G Prabagaran PVP Influence on PVA crystallinity and optical band gap Sudha Kamath M K, Harish Kumar H G, Chandramani R, Radhakrishna M C