Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/ejzr-volume-1-issue-3-year-2012.xml European Journal of Zoological Research Volume 1, Issue 3 OCCURRENCE AND PREVALENCE OF ECTO ANDGASTROINTESTINAL PARASITES IN WILD CANE RATSTRYONOMYS SWINDERIANUS FROM OYO STATE SOUTHWESTERNNIGERIA OKorafor, K. A. ; Odaibo A. B.; Eleng, I. E.; and Okete, J. A. Effect of aqueous extract of Datura stramonium on spermatogenesis of WestAfrican Dwarf bucks Fatoba Thomas Ayodele, Adeloye Adefunmilayo Abiodun and Soladoye, Ayodele Olufemi Conservation of Fish Faunistic Diversity An Indian Perspective K. Madhavi*, V. Vinaya Kumar,A. Devivaraprasad Reddy and G. Vidya Sagar Reddy