Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/jcmmd-volume-5-issue-1-year-2015.xml Journal of Computational Methods in Molecular Design Volume 5, Issue 1 In silico study of chalcone binding to cyclooxygenase1 Cox1 by HEX 63 R. Sumathi and M. Rajendran A Quantum Chemical Analysis of the Inactivation Rate Constant of the BoNTA LC Neurotoxin by some 14Benzoquinone and 14Naphthoquinone derivatives Juan S. G�³mez-Jeria and Andr�©s Robles-Navarro Electronic transitions in two micelles system DFT and TDDFT approaches Ambrish Kumar Srivastava, Sarvesh Kumar Pandey, Shashi Kumar Gangwar and Arvydas Tamulis Inclusion of X3N X Ti Zr Hf in Fullerene C80 Apoorva Dwivedi, Anoop Kumar Pande and Abhishek Kumar Bajpai Predicting Anti cancer activity of Marine Pyridoacridine alkaloids Computation approach using Topological indices Jaishankar Senbagamalar, Jayapal Baskar Babujee and Ramadoss Girija A Note on the Docking of some Hallucinogens to the 5HT2A Receptor Juan S. G�³mez-Jeria* and Andr�©s Robles-Navarro