Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/aasr-volume-6-issue-4-year-2014.xml Archives of Applied Science Research Volume 6, Issue 4 Finding minimum cost in network transmission by simulating eurygaster life Fariborz Ahmadi, Hamid Salehi and Seied veria hoseini Influence of meteorological factors on vehicular emissions during wet season in SouthSouth Nigeria Ucheje Okoroafor Apparent molar volume studies of SDS and DTAB in aqueous and mixed solvents Satyender K. Yadav Soil quality near a hot mix asphalt HMA plant in Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria Ilechukwu Ifenna and Leo C. Osuji Graph coloring problem by simulating eurygaster behavior Fariborz Ahmadi, Hamid Salehi and Seied veria hoseini Investigation on the electropolymerization of polypyrrole nanofibers as corrosion protection for stainless steel 316 Rawaa Abbas Mohammed and Abdulkareem Mohammede Ali Alsammarraie Growth and characterization of an organic NLO crystal Lalanine2furoic acid Jagadeesh M. R., Suresh Kumar H. M. and R. Ananda Kumari Body mass index and its effect on rate of hospital visits of staff of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi Fareed K. N. Arthur, Jeffery K. Dadson and Millicent Yeboah-Awudziand Christopher Larbie Flood vulnerability mapping in Chidambaram town Tamilnadu India K. Chitra, K. K. Jayakumar, J. Senthil, S. Vadivel and P. H. Anand Development and polymorphism of simple sequence repeats SSRs in KelampayanNeolamarckia cadambaRubiaceae using ISSR suppression PCR method Seng-Loi Phui, Wei-Seng Ho, Shek-Ling Pang and Julaihi Abdullah Study of current driven whistler mode instability for subtracted bimaxwellian plasma in presence of perpendicular AC electric field Munna, K. M. Singh, D. P. Singh and Surbhi Studies on soil mycoflora of sugarcane field in central Uttar Pradesh V. Pandey, P. K. Singh, R. K. Mishra, V. Srivastva and D. N. Shukla Particleincell simulation of electrostatic plasma in one dimension Ewa Ibrahim Inusa, Aliyu Umar Saâ��ad, Ayanninuola Olatunji Samuel and Liman Muhammad Sanusi Enhancing of corrosion protection properties using electropolymerized polyaniline coating Raaed Abd Shaker, Sariya Abduljabbar Abdulrazak and Abdulkareem Mohammed Ali Alsammarraie Developmental morphology of human fetal trachea Hemalatha Bangera, Anne D Souza, Mamatha Hosapatna, Antony sylvan D Souza and Vrinda Hari Ankolekar Production and evaluation of cheeselike product from the blend of soy milk and coconut milk Adejuyitan J. A., Olanipekun B. F. and Moyinwin O. A Novel hydrazide compounds and their metal complexes Ushma Joshi and Sunil I. Marjadi Variations in specific gravity and shrinkage in wood of a 25yearold Gmelina arborea in Oluwa forest reserve south west Nigeria Okon K. E. An evidential reasoning approach to generate multifactor experimental data using DempsterShafer theory A. Ahmed, S. C. Nwaosu and A. Adamu A Unified Approach for Metamaterial with Absorbing Boundary Condition using FDTD P Chakraborty,S K Mandal, B Mandal, A Biswas, A K Bhattacherjee and D P Chakravarti Investigation on Doxycycline using Spectrophotometer in bulk drug and formulation Y. Sivachandra, T.R. Kishore and V. Suryanarayana Rao Predicting the durability of periwinkle shell in hot mix asphalt pavement for heavy traffic Nwaobakata, C Growth and characterization of Lhistidine doped copper sulphate crystals S. Mary Delphine, R. Krishna Priya, T. Lidia Arockia Thai and S. Ajitha The cytotoxicity of different plant extract on chick embryo fibroblast cell line S. B. Kakad and A. J. Dhembare Phytochemical and antibacterial activities of Cardiospermum halicacabum leaf extract R. M. Gopal, K. Prabhakaran, C. B. Pradeepa Devi, S. Amirtham and Settu. A Lithologic inference from vertical electrical soundings ves inAbakaliki Nigeria Anyigor I. S. and S. O. Agha The effect of gender and sport field type on burnout levels in Iranian athletes Samira Nafian, Elnaz Karimi, Maesomeh Ghasemi and Shahin Zahrabi Sensitization of photoelectrochemical solar cells with a natural dye extracted from Cocos nucifera L Arecaceae fiber Aduloju K. A. Mechanism of fluoride mobilization through solidsolution interactionAn experimental approach Geetanjali Dutta, Srimanta Gupta and Dali Mondal Structural spectral thermal linear and nonlinear optical studies of organic 4chloroanilinium 2carboxy acetate CACA C. Andal and P. Murugakoothan Reactor dimensions of simulated model of the designed isothermal plugflow reactor in acid hydrolyzed cellulose J. A. Yabefa, Y. Ocholi and G. F. Odubo Effect of substrate pretreatment on the hydrolysis of 14 glycosidic bond in orange mesocarp Citrus sinensis by Trichoderma reesei for glucose J. A. Yabefa, Y. Ocholi and G. F. Odubo PEGcyclodextrin coated curcumin loaded zinc ferrite core nanocomposites as pHresponsive drug delivery system for antiinflammation and anticancer application V. J. Sawant, S. R. Bamane, S. V. Patil and D. G. Kanase Hypolipidemic activity of aqueous extract of Costus afer stems in diet induced hyperlipidemic rats Emeh Cynthia C, Abbey B. W. and Essien Eka B Health implication of solid waste dumpA case study of Ugwuaji solid waste dump in Enugu state Nigeria Ucheje Okoroafor Health implication of vehicular emissions to traffic wardens and road side business operators in Port Harcourt city Ucheje O. and Agbazue V.E Determination of the lithostratigraphy of Ebonyi State University EBSU main campus Abakaliki Nigeria S. O. Agha and Anyigor I. S. Could hypertriglyceridaemia be sustainable in discrimination of patients with prostate cancer from benign prostatichypertrophy Kayode S.Adedapo,Olalekan Olufemi, Kolawole A. T. Ogunwale and Olayiwola B.Shittu Comparative study of catalysts on carbothermal reduction of barites Jyotsna Kumar Spherically symmetric domain wall with massive scalar field in bimetric relativity S. D. Deo and A. Qureshi Analytical procedure of optimization of variables affecting the performance of cycle rickshaw puller A. K. Mahalle and G. K. Awari Study on primary biochemical and physicochemical properties of Ganoderma sinense from forest regions of Shimoga D Karnataka Ashok Chittaragi and Raja Naika Silver mediated bacterial nanoparticles as seed dressing against crown rot pathogen of groundnut Anand R. and Kulothungan S Effect of cooking on nutritive and antioxidant characteristics of leafy vegetables consumed in Western Cte dIvoire A. F. Zoro, L. T. Zou�©, M. E. B�©dikou, S. A. Kra and S. L. Niamk�© The reduction of mimosine content in Leucaena leucocephala petai belalang leaves using ethyl methanesulphonate EMS Mohamed Zaky Zayed, Fasihuddin Badruddin Ahmad, Mohamed Abdallah Zaki, Wei-Seng Hoand Shek-Ling Pang Review on microwave generation using backward wave oscillator Tusharika Sinha Banerjee, K. T. V. Reddy and Arti Hadap Colours of physical origin in dyed silk Mitali Konwar,Priyankshu Protim Deori and G. D. Baruah