Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/cejeb-volume-5-issue-2-year-2017.xml Central European Journal of Experimental Biology Volume 5, Issue 2 Isolation and Structural Characterisation of Riboflavin Binding Protein from the Egg of Ostrich Struthio camelus using MALDITOFMS Nadhira Nikhath, Dr. Balaji Meriga Lack of Association between FKBP1A Gene and Susceptibility to MalignantHyperthermia Mohammed A Althobiti, Amer A Aldahi, Zeyad S Kordee, Rawdah M Khoja, Dorota Fiszer, Philip Hopkins Aloe vera A Natural Perquisite to Dental Therapy Swyeta Jain Gupta* Assessment of Production Systems for Staple Food Crops Maize Wheat and Teff The Case of Toke Kutaye and Ambo Districts West Showa Zone Oromia Regional State Ethiopia Bultossa Terefe, Solomon Amsalu*