Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/dpl-volume-10-issue-9-year-2018.xml Der Pharmacia Lettre Volume 10, Issue 9 Study on Marine Diversity as a Source of Binder Rinu KA, Dhanish Joseph Analytical Method Development and Validation for the Estimation of Abiraterone and its Impurity in Pharmaceutical Formulation By RPHPLC Kuna AK, Seru Ganapaty and Gadela V Radha Virtual Screening of Tricyclic Compounds as DNA Intercalators Priyobrata Nath, Sougata Mukherjee, Agnish Mukherjee, Subhasis Banerjee Synthesis and Screening of 2Hydroxy N 2 41Dioxospiro Indoline3 21Thiazolidin31YlBenzamides for AntiBacterial Activity Saritha Devi N and Sarangapani M Application of Augmented SimplexMixture Design for Synthesis of Elemental Silver and its Effect on Insolubility of Ibuprofen Kailas M. Karande and Shivaji P. Gawade Triphala The Sanctifying Medicine To Human Domain A Review Revathi S, Gopal V, Jeyabalan G, Dhanaraju M Development and Validation of Chiral RPHPLC Method for Quantification of Optical Isomers in Dolutegravir Sodium Yashpalsinh N Girase, Srinivas Rao, Dipti Soni