Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/dpl-volume-8-issue-15-year-2016.xml Der Pharmacia Lettre Volume 8, Issue 15 The Effect Of Using Stevia And Agave Nectar as a Substitute For Sucrose OnPhysical Chemical Rheological And Sensory Properties Of Dark Chocolate Habib Vahedi and Morad Mousazadeh A novel weed saponins as human dual Topopoisons I II M. V. N. L. Chaitanya, S. P. Dhanabal, B. Duraiswamy, P. Dhamodaran, Vedpal and Sameer Varma Spectrophotometric estimation of vardenafil HCl and tadalafil in pure formsand tablets using ceriumIV ammonium sulphate Ragaa El Shiekh, Alaa S. Amin, Eman M. Hafez and Ayman A. Gouda Biochemical abnormalities in erythrocyte membrane of uncontrolled type IIdiabetes mellitus S. Anbuselvi Evaluation of HealthRelated Quality of Life among GeneralDentists Anahita Mehralie, Fatemeh Rezaei, Amirarsalan Iranmanesh, Mona Mehralie and Solmaz Araghi Determination of the halflife and the quantum yield of ZnO semiconductorphotocatalyst in humic acid Rahadian Zainul Antifungal activities of extracts of some species of Mangrove plants towardssome selected strains Karnati Rajeswari and T. Bhaskara Rao Comparing the effects of hops hydro alcoholic extract and diazepam onreducing the anxiety in mice Fahimeh Sistani, Mehrdad Modaresi* and Ilnaz Sajjadian Antibacterial property of marine Streptomyces derived 2hydroxy benzoic acidscreening through InSilico molecular docking studies with bacterial drugtarget proteins Mani Abiramiand Krishnan Kannabiran Validation of Spectrophotometric Methods for the Assay of Zolmitriptan inDosage Forms K. Parameswara Rao and M. C. Rao Existence of pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureusBacillus cereus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Pado traditional food fromWest Sumatera Hasbullah, Anwar Kasim, Novelina and Hazli Nurdin Incorporation of Vellore culinary banana pulp and peel fiber in curd andyoghurt to enhance its nutritional qualities Chitrika Biswas and Suneetha V. Plasmid profiling with respect to identification of multidrug resistance inStaphylococcus aureus isolated from dairy products Anju Subramaniyan, Dheeba B., Sheik Abdulla Shahul Hameed and Sampathkumar Palanisamy Isolation and screening of antibiotic producing actinomycetes from soilsinManong Perak Malaysia Henny Rachdiati*, Norul Aini Binti Zakariya and Gouri Kumar Dash Hepatoprotective property evaluation of fish oil from Sardinella fimbriata overfatty liver disease E. Anandganesh, A. R. Nazar, G. Marichamy and S. Shanker The management of large perforations of duodenal ulcers Mohammad Reza Asgary, Hosein Hemmati and Elahe Rafiei Toxicity and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of Nigella sativa Bessedik Amina Chemical Constituents of Indian Medicinal plant Cassia siamea M. Vijaya, K. Vijaya Kumar, S. Ganapathy Ch. Chinasatyanaryana, Ch. Madhu, A. Hymavathi and B. Venkatswara Rao Potential Therapeutic role of Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Delayed WoundHealing of Diabetic Rats Abdelbary Prince, Mostafa Abdalla Gad, Ibrahim W. Hasan, Mohamad Warda and Adel Elbehairy Thiazines derivatives treated as potential antimicrobial agents Praveen Kumar Sharma and Reena Makkar Refractometric study of substituted 2oxo2Hchromene3carbohydrazidederivatives in different binary mixtures P. P. Choudhari, H. S. Chandak and M. P. Wadekar Breast cancer is protected by the KIR gene 2DL1 and affected by 2DL2A systematic review Bahareh Shayanrad, Seyyed Amir Yasin Ahmadi and Farhad Shahsavar Characterization Traditional Food Pado from West Sumatra Hasbullah, Anwar Kasim, Novelina and Hazli Nurdin Burn treatment and Iranian traditional medicine Farhad Vafaei and Farzad Abdollahzadeh The effect of ginger extract on radiotherapyoriented salivation in patientswith xerostomia A doubleblind controlled study Mohammad Shooriabi, Dorna sadeghy ardakani, Behzad Mansoori, Seyed Amir Razavi Satvati and Roohollah Sharifi Docking Based De novo Design of Few Tolcapone Derivatives as CatecholoMethyl Transferase Comt Inhibitors Subhadip Ball, Subhasis Banerjee and Amrita Choudhury Investigating the Relationship between Caregiver Burden and Demographicsamong the Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability Mitra Dindar, Mozhgan Rahnama, Mehdi Afshari and Mahdieh Poodineh Moghadam Polyethylene Gylcol PEG400 as an efficient and Recyclable ReactionMedium for the one pot synthesis of 3 3Di indolyl oxindoles undercatalystFree conditions Ramesh Poshala and Kuthati Bhaskar Computational Design of Anticancer Drugs Bicyclic Tricyclic andHeterocyclic Alkanes in Proton Affinity Reaction Morteza Keshavarz Optimization of Spirulina Platensis Culture for Antioxidant Production Zulkarnain Chaidir, Desi Nurakbari, Marniati Salim and Rahadian Zainul Validated stability indicating simultaneous estimation of Memantine andDonepezil in pharmaceutical formulation by RPHPLCDAD Rramaswamy Ravikumar, Mani Ganesh and Hyun Tae Jang Comparative Study of Different Parts of Fruits of Musa Sp on the Basis oftheir Antioxidant Activity Anuj Chauhan, Anshita Nagar, Kumud Bala and Yash Sharma Development and Validation of Sensitive RPHPLC Method for theEstimation of Glibenclamide in Pure and Tablet Dosage Forms K. Parameswara Rao, G. V. Ramana and M. C. Rao Development and validation of stability indicating RPHPLC method for theestimation of Daclatasvir in bulk and formulation K. Sumathi, K. Thamizhvanan and S. Vijayraj Drug Delivery of TyramineAttaching on the NBO Parameters in the 50Zigzag SingleWalled CNT Morteza Keshavarz Effect of Temperature and Particle Motion against the ability of ZnOSemiconductor Photocatalyst in Humic Acid Rahadian Zainul