Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/ejses-volume-2-issue-1-year-2013.xml European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science Volume 2, Issue 1 Squashspecific exercise test for elite squash players Development and validity Vincent Gouttebarge, Maarten Moen, Julitta S. Boschman, Melvin Kantebeen Relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction among physical education organizations employees Rezvan Mirsafaei Rizi, Aida Azadi, Maryam Eslami Farsani, Shahram Aroufzad Relationship between organizational culture and organizational learning among employees in physical education organizations Aida Azadi, Maryam Eslami Farsani, Rezvan Mirsafaei Rizi, Shahram Aroufzad Relationship between leadership styles and personality traits among woman physical education teachers Maryam Eslami Farsani, Aida Azadi, Fakhroldin Asadi Farsani, Shahram Aroufzad Validity and Reliability of Persian Version of Scale to Measure Attitude toward Advertising through Sport Saeedeh Razavi, Farshad Tojari, Abdoreza Amirtash