Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/jcmmd-volume-7-issue-2-year-2017.xml Journal of Computational Methods in Molecular Design Volume 7, Issue 2 DFT Approach Chemical Shift Calculations to 13C for Bicyclical EpoxyHimachlene Compound in the Presence of a Lewis Acid Mohammed El Idrissi, Mohamed Abdennouri*, Souad Jorio, Abdeslam El Hajbi Theoretical Study of Alkylation of 4amino124Triazol in Presence of Aluminium Chloride Gaston A Kpotin, Urbain A Kuevi, Alice Houngue-Kpota, Guy S Atohoun, Jean-Baptiste Mensah