Scholars Research Library The effects of globalization have driven tremendous changes within the research. Today, change is so rapid that the researchers have to keep itself aware with the latest discoveries, findings and research. rss//rss/jnppr-volume-5-issue-5-year-2015.xml Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources Volume 5, Issue 5 Wild aromatic plant resources and their traditional uses in Eastern GhatsSouthern Peninsular India K. Sri Rama Murthy The use of nonconventional feed resources NCFR for livestock feeding inthe tropics A Review Amata I. A. Callus induction and invitro Micropropagation of Vitex negundoA multipurpose dynamic medicinal plant of India P. R. Sahu Comparative studies of seed germination of okra and radish in response toaqueous application of extract of Pluchea lanceolata Sayma Samreen and Athar Ali Khan Insecticidal effects of leaves flowers and fruits of Lantana camara LinnPhilippine Kantutay on Musca domestica L Philippine Houseflies Angelica Ordanza-Cortez