Human Cloning: Considerations from a Biological, Ethical, and Societal Standpoint | Abstract
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Annals of Experimental Biology


Human Cloning: Considerations from a Biological, Ethical, and Societal Standpoint

Author(s): Haily Mladenovic

Human cloning is most commonly used to refer to human reproductive cloning, which involves creating a genetic clone of an existing individual. Despite decades of conjecture, human reproductive cloning has never been accomplished. Another type of human cloning that creates genetically specified embryonic stem cells is research cloning, also known as embryo cloning or therapeutic cloning. The first report of stem cells generated from cloned human embryos was released in 2013 after a succession of failures and high-profile bogus claims of success. The risks it poses to the women who would be required to provide the large numbers of eggs required exaggerated and probably unrealistic claims of personalized therapies and the need for effective oversight to prevent rogue efforts to use cloned embryos for reproductive human cloning are just a few of the major concerns raised by research cloning. Human reproductive cloning is usually regarded as unethical.