Study on selected tea cultivars of North Bengal for their suitability in green tea production | Abstract
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Annals of Experimental Biology


Study on selected tea cultivars of North Bengal for their suitability in green tea production

Author(s): B Adhikary, A.B. Sen, J.J. Ghosh, P. Tamuly, R.C. Gogoi and A. Babu

This study aims towards selection of suitable cultivars from Dooars and Terai region for green tea production. Green teas were processed by steaming the freshly plucked leaves of different cultivars using three inactivation times. Cultivars belonging to the TV-series, TRA/Garden series and seed stocks were selected for the study. Results showed marked variation in tasterâÂÃ?â??Ã?â?¬ÂÃ?â??Ã?â?¢s score for green teas produced from different inactivation period. Significant differences were observed in biochemical quality compositions of green teas processed from selected cultivars along with variation in organoleptic scores irrespective of inactivation time. These findings have pointed towards the basis of cultivar categorization can be useful for commercially suitable green tea under North Bengal condition.