Aerobic Exercise has Positive Effects on Health
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European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science

Opinion - European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science ( 2022) Volume 10, Issue 3

Aerobic Exercise has Positive Effects on Health

Emma Taylor*
Editorial Office, Sports and Exercise Science, Australia
*Corresponding Author:
Emma Taylor, Editorial Office, Sports and Exercise Science, Australia, Email:

Received: 13-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. Ejses-22-77013; Editor assigned: 18-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. Ejses-22-77013(PQ); Reviewed: 28-Apr-2022, QC No. Ejses-22-77013(Q); Revised: 07-May-2022, Manuscript No. Ejses-22-77013(R); Published: 16-May-2022


The term “aerobic exercise” refers to physical activity sustained by the use of oxygen supplied by the blood to the working muscles. During low-intensity, prolonged activity, this son’s aerobic metabolism takes place. Exercise that is both intense and prolonged is an aerobic, which means that it utilizes the oxygen already present in the muscle because the exercise is so intense that the blood supply cannot keep up with the muscle’s need for oxygen.


Aerobic exercise, Exercise, Fitness, Swimming, Physical fitness


The term “aerobic exercise” refers to physical activity sustained by the use of oxygen supplied by the blood to the working muscles. During low-intensity, prolonged activity, this son’s aerobic metabolism takes place. Exercise that is both intense and prolonged is an aerobic, which means that it utilizes the oxygen already present in the muscle because the exercise is so intense that the blood supply cannot keep up with the muscle’s need for oxygen. It may be more accurate to refer to aerobic exercise as “solely aerobic” because it is intended to be low-intensity enough to allow for the aerobic conversion of all carbs into energy via mitochondrial ATP generation. For the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, mitochondria are organelles that depend on oxygen. Exercise must use big muscle groups, be steady, and be done for an extended period of time to have a training impact in order to be considered aerobic. These activities include aerobic dance, brisk walking, bicycling, swimming, ice skating, and cross-country skiing. By strengthening your ability to use oxygen, regular aerobic exercise enhances cardiovascular health. It accomplishes this by enhancing your heart’s ability to deliver more blood—and subsequently more oxygen—to your muscles. Your heart doesn’t need to beat as quickly to pump out the same volume of blood since the size of the ventricles, which act as the heart’s pumping chambers, has increased. A slower heart rate at rest and during the same degree of activity is clear indicators of this. Your health and physical functioning improve as a result of the changes that regular exercise creates in your body. Your body can sustain these advantages if you keep up with regular exercise. The greatest benefit comes from regularly engaging in the proper workout types at the proper intensity for the proper timeframe.

Decreased chance of some health issues

The risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, and breast cancer has been proven to be decreased by regular aerobic exercise. By lowering levels of LDL cholesterol (also known as “bad” cholesterol) and raising levels of HDL cholesterol (also known as “good” cholesterol), it can lower blood pressure and enhance blood cholesterol. In addition to fostering a general sense of wellbeing, it can help lessen anxiety, stress, and sadness. It has even been demonstrated that regular aerobic exercise may lengthen your life. Swimming is a great low-impact aerobic activity for persons with arthritis or other disorders that make it difficult for them to conduct weight bearing exercise. Swimming is also beneficial for improving general health and fitness. It’s important to note that while fitness often has very particular benefits, aerobic activity generally has many positive health effects. Furthermore, the health benefits can be attained with relatively low levels of exercise; switching from a lifestyle that involves no exercise to one that does can result in significant health gains.

Safety measures for aerobic activity

Is careful to avoid over-exercising, whether it be by performing aerobic exercise too frequently, too long, or too hard. This method may result in an injury and cause you to stop your training regimen. Keep in mind not to advance too quickly from your current exercise level and to build up gradually. Before beginning more intense aerobic exercise sessions, it is typically advised to complete several weeks of low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise if you are new to regular aerobic exercise. Before beginning an a erobic fitness program, consult your doctor if you have any pre-existing medical issues, are at high risk for cardiovascular disease, or have sustained any muscle, bone, or joint injuries.

How safe is aerobic exercise? Consider this

Low blood sugar is a result of exercise. Before and after exercising, monitor your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes. Prior to beginning to perspire, consume a healthy snack to keep your blood sugar levels from falling too low.

If you have muscular and joint pain, such as from arthritis, spend more time warming up before starting your exercise. Take a warm shower before putting on your shoes or going to the gym. Another benefit is having shoes with good motion control and cushioning.

Look for exercises with shorter bursts of activity, like tennis or baseball, if you have asthma. So that you can give your lungs a rest, take rests. Remember to take an inhaler when necessary as well.

Start out slowly if you’ve never exercised before. Spend 10 to 20 minutes every other day for a few weeks at first. This will alleviate tiredness and painful muscles.