A Retrospective Cytogenetic Study of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Infertile Couples of Indian Origin | Abstract
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A Retrospective Cytogenetic Study of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Infertile Couples of Indian Origin

Author(s): Mohit Kumar, Atul Thatai, Shilpa S Chapadgaonkar

Declining human fertility rates are becoming a cause of major global concern. Though this decline is more pronounced in industrially developed countries, recent figures have projected a decline in fertility rates in developing countries such as India also. It has been established that structural and numerical chromosome abnormalities are the common causes of infertility, loss of pregnancy, and the birth of abnormal offspring. In the present study, we have carried out a cytogenetic analysis of patient with infertility. A higher incidence of chromosomal and structural abnormalities was observed in the infertile patients. It was observed that, 92.5% belonged to cytogenetically normal group whereas 4.4% revealed abnormal karyotype and 3.1% showed variant type of chromosome. It was observed that amongst the study group chromosomal abnormalities were more prevalent amongst females (63.63%) as compared to male (36.36%) subjects. In the cytogenetically abnormal group the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities were balanced translations observed in approximately about 43% of the subjects. These balanced translations also included four Robertsonian translocations, Inversion was recorded in 18% of the subjects.