An Overview of Hyperlipidemia | Abstract
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An Overview of Hyperlipidemia

Author(s): Anbarasi.B* and Brindha.P

Hyperlipidemia is a broad term which is also called hyperlipoproteinemia, is a common disorder in developed countries and is the major cause for coronary heart diseases. It results from abnormalities in lipid metabolism or plasma lipid transport or as a disorder in the synthesis and degradation of plasma lipoproteins. The term “dyslipidemia” now a days is increasingly being used to describe abnormal changes in lipid profile, replacing the old term hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia means abnormal increase in fat levels of blood. These fats include cholesterol and triglycerides. These are important for our body to function, but when their levels are high they, can cause heart disorders. Hyperlipidemia is manifested as hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglycerlomia. Hypercholesterolemia is the most common hyperlipidemia. The lipids that are involved in hypercholesterolemia are cholesterol, an essential component of cell membrane and a precursor of steroid hormone synthesis and triglycerides are important energy source, they are transported in blood as lipoproteins. The consequence of hyperlipidemia is to cause atherosclerosis, leading to the risk of coronary heart diseases and strokes. Thus the risk of heart diseases depends on factors such as levels of cholesterol, blood vessels and blood circulation.