Delay in proximal femur fracture surgery and its outcomes: a prospective cohort study (HIPCCO) | Abstract
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European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science


Delay in proximal femur fracture surgery and its outcomes: a prospective cohort study (HIPCCO)

Author(s): Felipe Solano

Introduction: proximal femur fracture (PFF) is one of the main causes of morbidity, functional deterioration and mortality in older adults. The time elapsed between diagnosis and treatment considerably affects the survival and quality of life of patients. Objectives: to evaluate time from admission to surgery, clinical outcomes and quality of life (QoL) in patients with proximal femur fracture operated in a level III hospital in Colombia during 2019. Methods: this is a prospective cohort study of patients with PFF treated surgically in a hospital in Colombia during 2019. We collected data on sociodemographic and clinical information, QoL was evaluated through the validated EQ5D5L instrument. We performed five measures during follow-up, starting from the patient´s admission until 6 months postoperatively. We presented a descriptive analysis using mean and Standard Deviation (SD) for continous variables and percentages (%) for dichotomous variables. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted for evolution of QoL. Results: 72 patients were included, the mean age of participants was 80.5 (14.3) years and a Charlson´s comorbidity index at the time of surgery was 4.64 (2). The median from admission to definitive surgical management of the fracture was 7 days. 86.2% underwent hip osteosynthesis; 11.1% of the patients had surgical complications related to bleeding and the mortality at 6 months follow-up was 7%. Conclusions: The surgical delay time was notably longer than that described in other studies and administrative aspects were identified as the main cause of the delay. However, we found low mortality in the population studied without affecting quality of life significantly.