Immunomodulatory effect of metribuzin and Tribenuron-methyl in male rabbit ITELV/98 | Abstract
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Der Pharmacia Lettre


Immunomodulatory effect of metribuzin and Tribenuron-methyl in male rabbit ITELV/98

Author(s): Fatima Zohra SARSAR, Amira Ghislaine DRA, Karima OULD YERROU, Imène YAHLA1, Soraya DJEBARA , Fatima Zohra ELKADI, Mokhtar BENABDERRAHMANE, Mohammed BENALI

Male rabbits of ITELV/98 strains, about 3 months old and weighing an average of 2200±14.96g, were used in this exposure to pesticides, and experiments reveal symptoms related to the intake of pesticides into the water. Thus, a difficulty breathing and coughing were observed in the groups that consumed Metribuzin and Tribenuron-methyl at the same concentration of 2 μg/l. Metribuzin used at concentrations of 0.1 ; 1 and 2 μg/l had no effect on the weight of the animals tested. Indeed, during the treatment of animals by Metribuzin, the groups receiving 0.1 and 1 μg/l showed a change in weight (2200±14.96g at 5225±29.64g and 2140±108.66g at 5331.5±104,11g) comparable to that of the control (2200±14.96g at 5398±58.62g) (P<0.05). The use of a higher dose of 2μg/l of Metribuzin did not modify the weights of this group compared with the control group and the group receiving 1μg/l of Metribuzin (P <0.05). The use of Tribenuron-methyl at the same concentrations did not alter the weight evolution of the experimental rabbits. Indeed, the groups of rabbits receiving 0.1 and 1 μg/l of this herbicide show a variation in weight (2200±14.96g at 5166±108.14g and 2117±105.18g at 5325±78.79g) respectively Remains comparable to that of the control (P <0.05). The evaluation of anti-ovalbumin rabbit IgG by previously optimized non-competitive ELISA showed a decrease in their rate in all experimental groups. In groups consuming metribuzin or tribenuron-methyl at 1 μg / l, a decrease in the level of IgG is observed, which becomes more pronounced at the concentration of 2 μg / L (P <0.05) and shows the effect Immunorepressor of these two pesticides.