The Danger of Participating in the Heavy Games of the Ancient Olympics | Abstract
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European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science


The Danger of Participating in the Heavy Games of the Ancient Olympics

Author(s): Andreas Bourantanis

Through the present, we seek to stimulate the interest of researchers and practitioners at the scientific and nonscientific level as well as the athletes and coaches associated with today's so-called combat sports to turn their concern to the proper adaptation of the ancient Greek Olympic ideal and Olympic Games. Our concern is to motivate the Olympic Committee with a view to reintroducing the sport to the Olympics Sports program.
The Olympic Games were the oldest and most remarkable games of the ancient Greek world as a whole, among the events included in the sports program. The Olympics cultivated the body and the mind.
Characterizing Pankration the ancient Greek writer Philostratus said it was the best of the Olympic Games. Although the Olympics were reconstituted, Pankration was not included in the sports program of modern Olympics. However this fact has left a gap in the schedule of the Olympics because it is paradoxical that the absence of the event that contributed to the Olympic Games’ prestige is absent.
Research is to present some of the techniques that were used by the most famous athletes in antiquity while trying to investigate the dangers as well as the general danger of using these techniques and the damage to the human body. At the same time reference is taking place of the reactions of the crowd attending these fights (where it was recorded) proving the popularity claim of high-intensity scenes provided by the Pankration.
As the main characteristic of this research, we would like to put the distinguishing feature, since we focus on studying through the ancient sources and not through secondary ones.