| Abstract
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Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources


Author(s): Monika brown

Natural Product and Plant Resources during this year also brought out 6th World congress on Medicinal Plants and Marine Drugs&4th International Conference on Natural Products and Medicinal Plants Research conference proceedings. The JNPPR Impact factor for the year 2018 was 1.51and ISSN No: 2231-3184. During the calendar year 2019, JNPPR received a total of 20 papers, out of which 14 articles (58%) were rejected in the preliminary screening due to plagiarism or being out of the format and peer review process. During 2019 around 6 articles were subjected for publication after they are accepted in the peer review process. In the 1 issues of Volume 9 published during the year 2019, a total of 6 articles were published (at process) of which, articles were published from authors all around the world. A total of 110 research scientists from all over the world reviewed the 19 articles published in volume 7. Average publication lag time of an article was further reduced to 2-3 weeks.