Ethnobotanical Studies on useful Plants of Kanjamalai Hills of Salem district of Tamil Nadu, Southern India | Abstract
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Ethnobotanical Studies on useful Plants of Kanjamalai Hills of Salem district of Tamil Nadu, Southern India

Author(s): C Alagesaboopathi

The present investigation is an attempt to an enthnomedicinal plants of Kanjamalai Hills of Salem district of Tamilnadu. The indigenous information of the village herbalists, village dwellers, herbal practitioners and other traditional healers and the indigenous plants used for medicinal utility were collected through personal interviewed and questionnaire during fied trips. The exploration revealed some unknown medical uses of medicinal plants. The scientific name, family, vernacular name (Tamil), part used, mode of drug preparation, dosage and duration was also reported and traditional usage of 44 species belonging to 39 genera and 24 families of angiosperms are discussed here for the treatment of several diseases viz., snake bite, scorpion bite, antipyretic, asthama, skin disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, jaundice and leprosy. The dicotyledons are represented by 40 species of 35 genera and 22 families while monocotyledons are represented by 4 species of 4 genera and 2 families. 90.91 percentage dicotyledons and 9.09 percentage monocotyledons were recorded.