Heat Sink Design and Temperature Distribution Analysis for Millimeter Wave IMPATT Oscillators using Finite Difference Method | Abstract
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Heat Sink Design and Temperature Distribution Analysis for Millimeter Wave IMPATT Oscillators using Finite Difference Method

Author(s): Aritra Acharyya and J. P. Banerjee

Optimum Heat sink design is extremely essential for proper operation of IMPATT diode
oscillators. For steady and safe operation of the oscillator without burn-out of the device,
properly designed heat sink must be provided. In this paper authors have presented a new
method for getting optimum designs of heat sinks capable of serving the above purpose.
Moreover analytical solution of the Laplace equation for steady state heat transfer problems
with proper boundary conditions for arbitrary geometries is sometime very difficult to find out.
That is why numerical techniques like Finite Difference Method [FDM] can be used as very
useful tool by which the solutions can be found out easily without much computational error. In
this work authors have applied Finite-Difference Method to find out 2-D Temperature
Distribution inside the ordinary mesa diode as well as ring diode mounted on semi-infinite
diamond and copper heat sinks. Results are presented in the form of plots and tables useful for