Investigation of soil characters and Azospirillum isolated from paddy soils of Thanjavur district,East Coast of Tamilnadu, India | Abstract
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Investigation of soil characters and Azospirillum isolated from paddy soils of Thanjavur district,East Coast of Tamilnadu, India

Author(s): Kanimozhi. K. and Panneerselvam, A

Totally 30 different paddy field soils were collected from in and around Thanjavur District,
Tamilnadu and their physico-chemical properties were analyzed. Among them, 11 samples were
loamy soil, 11 samples were sandy loam and the rest of 8 samples were sandy clay loam. The
pH (8.2-5.8) ,bulk density (1.65g / cm3 - 1.00g/cm3 ),water holding(61.85% - 10.86%),electrical
conductivity (2.40 - 0.19), organic carbon (1.27% - 0.11%),total nitrogen (1.78% - 0.55%),
phosphorus content (1.17% - 0.11%), potassium (1.85% - 1.14%) also available micronutrients
like Zn (2.02% - 1.06%), Cu (3.78% - 1.27%), Fe (10.47% - 7.10%), Mn (5.95% - 2.66%), B
(0.594% - 0.28%), available nitrogen(203.0kg/acre - 110.0kg/acre), phosphorous (9.10kg/acre -
3.85 kg/acre), potassium (340 kg/acre - 245 kg/acre) were in all sampling station.