Micro paleontological depth palaeoecology of early miocene sequences and systems tracts: A case study of A-60 well in Niger Delta Basin Nigeria | Abstract
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Micro paleontological depth palaeoecology of early miocene sequences and systems tracts: A case study of A-60 well in Niger Delta Basin Nigeria

Author(s): Chiaghanam, O.I., Ozumba, B.M., Ladipo, K., Orajaka, I.P., Ofoma, A.E., Chiadikobi, K. C.

High resolution Biostratigraphic analysis of palaeoecology & systems tract using micropaleontological data acquired from Early Miocene sediments of A-60 Well drilled to a total depth of 14,616ft was undertaken. The data obtained from the Well which was drilled as an Exploratory Well were divided into three sequences, comprising Transgressive (TST), high stand (HST) and lowstand (LST) systems tracts. The analysis shows a close relationship between the lithofacies and Biofacies changes, in response to relative sea level rise and fall. The high and low abundance/diversity of the micropaleontological data aided in determining the maximum flooding surfaces, sequence boundaries and systems tract, and was also used to determine the paleowater depth and paleoenvironment which spans the entire range of shallow inner neritic (Marginal Marine Environment) in the Continental plain to Bathyal (Deep Marine) in Continental slope ranging in depth from less than 7m to above 200m.